deconstruction christianity

Deconstruction has become very popular in the Unites States and the terminology and processes has been imported into the UK. It is closely linked to Progressive Christianity which I suppose is the modern progression from liberal Christianity. There are a considerable number of books and internet links that demonstrate how it can be done, which are incogrous with the process  becuase practitioners indicate that there is no formalised methodology and it is all individual.

The process behind 'deconstruction' has no real place in Christianity because it is based upon the assumption that there is no truth or that truth is not knowable. On this basis you examine and pick up your belief or doctrine and pull it apart and find reasons not to believe in the revealed truth of God and make up others to replace them. However because these themselves cannot be true these other can be picked upon and pulled apart to arrive at other 'truths'. Logically this process cannot stop  but in reality adherents sometimes give up and they are left with an interesting mess or halt at a place that their conscience can deal with. Deconstruction is about choosing your own authority rather that biblical authority and saying for example Peter and Paul were wrong in the New Testament with their ethical statements which are reduced to cultural bias and God too, if he was behind them is also wrong. "I am right!" This is no difference to the process of  Adam and Eve where they decided, upon taking advice elsewhere, that God was wrong.

Deconstruction has a philosophical grounding but very often it has a personal and moral  triggers which can start the process. It has been suggested that these can be the main contributions:

  • Hurt
  • Poor Teaching
  • Personal Desire to Sin
  • 'Street Cred'

It seems that a number of Christian Leaders have been caught out with their lies, infidelity and other failures. The churches themselves also frequently forget themselves by not opening the doors to all and having hypocritical attitudes. This can be a frequent place of personal hurt and a more general hurt and the the start of the rejection. There are cases for repentance all around but not by reducing the 'rules' and lowering them.


 "Deconstruction is not about getting your theology right. Its about tearing down doctrines that are morally wrong to you to make then match your own internal conscience, moral compass, true authentic self... Yet the goal for all Christians should be to align our beliefs with the Word of God, despite our own feelings or belief"  The Deconstruction of Christianity Alisa Childers and Tim Barnett



Briefly we can reflect up what the Church of England bishops are doing with the same- sex blessing process. Yes, there has been personal hurt caused by the church- evangelical ones particularly, but is the way to change to bible or change and repent of our attitudes to people who are made differently? Jesus open our arms to us and invites us to His table but not to continue to be who we are but to be changed into who he wants us to be.

 Deconstruction is not examining the  faith and practice of ourselves and the church around us and asking questions about what we need to do to demonstrate that we Love God and our neighbour. This is to be encouraged and pursued.

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