Dividing up reality into spiritual and non-spiritual  or holy and secular is a trap that we often fall into and see some activities intrinsically more important to God than others. Its is a very powerful idea that can seem to be the ideal way for a Christian to live. It seems an 'easy choice'- to choose and prioritise those things we think more pleasing to God.  Surely we should be choosing the things that will not end? Surely we should follow Mary and not Martha?

Our superficial consideration of that incident described in Luke 10 fails to see Mary at Jesus' feet- a place unheard of for a woman in the day to present themselves as a disciple. Martha was distracted with the work that had to be done.  Luke in telling this story sandwiches it between the parable of the  Good Samaraitan and the teaching on prayer. Both are required.

Yes, it is important to ensure that we pray and study the bible. But we are called to do much more. Better to see that all of life is spiritual, except that which is sin.. There's a time to wash the dishes rather than pray and that will be when it is your turn!



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