A central aspect of the Christian faith is the place of the Bible as an authority. We may consider it as the word of God but in what sense? Examples :
This section contains some important documents for reference purposes. It includes the three main creeds and the 39 Articles of the Church of England.
These three creeds have been adopted centuries ago and summarises the main tenants of the Christian Faith
NICENE CREED 381 AD (from ealier Creed of Nicea 325 AD)
The 39 Articles 1571 AD identifies practices and doctrines of the Church of England following the Reformation in England and developed over a period of time from 1536
There are of course many more creeds or confessions of faith that have been created by the early church and also by the various denominations that have arisen over the centuries.
Because of the pressure of both the general culture and from with the church itself the issue of the attitude of 'traditional' christian views towards homosexual behaviour has come under attack. This is an unresolved issue within the Church of England and there is a growing divide within its congregations covered by a persistent hesitancy of the hierarchy to make a stance one way or another, but bending with the wind. So the divide is 'affirming Christians and 'non affirming Christians.
The core of the issue is whether consensual homosexual activity or desire should [still?] be considered a sin within a permanent relationship that compares to a traditional marriage between one man and one woman. This is to place it on the same footing as a heterosexual activity within a marriage and not without. If such behaviour is viewed as a sin, then like all of us who sin, then we should confess this activity to God, and people should be treated with love, BUT if it not then we should have no issue with acceptance and have no problem for those who actively practice the behaviour to participate in leadership and communion and promote such activities. Behind this core is a more fundamental issue of how we treat, interpret and understand the words of the bible and whether we interpret it through today's culture or let it speak into today's culture.
Canon B30 still asserts that marriage is between one man and one woman.
"The Church of England affirms, according to our Lord's teaching, that marriage is in its nature a union permanent and lifelong, for better for worse, till death them do part, of one man with one woman, to the exclusion of all others on either side, for the procreation and nurture of children, for the hallowing and right direction of the natural instincts and affections, and for the mutual society, help and comfort which the one ought to have of the other, both in prosperity and adversity."
This is a central area that would require changing if the ultimate aim is to have same sex marriage ceremonies within the church setting. The current approach is to bypass reviewing this cannon and to to obtain the consent for same sex marriages with the Church of England.
In this section, I will attempt to outline some of the arguments for inclusivity as fairly as I can. I will attempt to separate different points that are made but they are often linked together. I have created seven arguments which I have located- some are more sophisticated that others, and will start to build answers to those arguments from an evangelical perspective. Constructive comments are welcome.
#1 Homosexuals were born that way
#2 Jesus never said a word about homosexual activity
#3 What two consenting adults do is their business
#4 You christians ignore some old Laws: why not this one
#5 Using the Bible against LBGT+ people is an abuse of scripture
#6 The 'killer' verses do not apply to loving relationships
#7 The 'killer' verses do apply BUT...
If you wish to purchase or download a copy of the Church of England's The Living in Love and Faith book, follow this link here.
Two Views on Homosexuality, The Bible and the Church Zondervan Counterpoints series 2016