plaster cracks






The Church of England has prided itself to keeping together with a wide variety of doctrinal strands. It claims to keep the broad traditions together.  There are High Churches ( Anglo-Catholic ), Low churches and lots in between. Some churches that have no believing christian as wardens, and are there to keep the tradition going, and some that are are a vibrant witness to the love of God in worship and service to their community.

However many consider that the recent moves of the Bishops relating to same sex blessings and same sex marriages within the clergy are a step too far with the differences widening perhaps so far that the sticky plasters cannot work any longer.  There is a movement away from the historical understanding of the authority of the written word of God and towards interpreting the text as the words of 'backward' cultures long ago and interpreted according to the demands of the current culture. Yes, the church has much to learn about compassionate treatment of people who are likewise sinners and need empathy to understand that we are all in the sames postion as having failed the Glory of God but that does not mean we should change God's glory to man's glory.

The Archbishop. Justin Welby  himself has chosen and takes this pathway. He gives those who do not agree with his direction a choice of looking around for a different bishop to lead them other that the one assigned geographically. This of course is for the whole church led by its vicar but for the individual it is leaving and finding a bible believing church. What a confusing mess he has led us into!!!!!

So each congregation requires to make a choice about which side of the plaster they belong to. As a member of St Giles Church Northampton I and others await its choice.

 Here is a link to a more learned description of the issue, written by Rev Andrew Goddard which portrays the events as a Jenga Game.

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