Dr Michael Kruger in a lecture shared some of the charasteristics below:

  1. It has a low View of Christ
    Jesus is a moral example to follow that being Divine and worthy of Worship and Praise
  2. Focussed on Moralism, not salvation
    You should be kind to your neighbour and follow certain rules
  3. Downplays our fallenness
    People are not really fallen and we are all good people in our core. Sin is downplayed

In summary he says that you are left with something that is not Christianity at all in the end


 Other sources suggest it downplays the Scriptures as a final authority.


OF course they themselves are not impressed with such characteristics applied to them by evangelicals. Brandan Robertson, an outspoken leader of the movement says:

"To be frank, there is no and can be no succinctly listed statement of beliefs for Progressive Christianity, because, by definition, progressive Christians are engaging in deconstruction, reforming, and reimagining what it means to be a follower of Jesus in our modern world. Within that group of people, there are a broad array of beliefs- some of which would be considered “orthodox” by conservative Christians on one end, and some that would not on the other end of the spectrum. There are many progressive Christians who would still affirm, with full heart, the words of the Apostles Creed. (Nadia Bolz-Weber is a good example of this!) There are some who would align with a more Eastern view of spirituality in general, and construct their discipleship to Jesus through that lens. (Progressive Christianity.org is a good example of this) There are those, like me, who claim to be agnostic on many of the big theological questions, meaning that we are open to exploring different options, trying on different ideas, but are not convinced that anyone should claim to be certain about any theology that we find compelling- that is, after all, the nature of faith."


Perhaps in that way Robertson has defined what they are about- the deconstruction of Christianity and to re-write the essence of who God Is and claims to be in His revelation.  They claim to be  followers of Jesus but it is their own Jesus defined by their own ideas and current culture.  As he says it is a matter of reimagining and so one  imagined 'Jesus' is not necessarily the same as another imagined 'Jesus'.

Can you see some sort of parallel with these ideas and what the some of the leaders of the Church of England are doing?

Orthodox Christianity claims that God is Real and He has spoken through His inspired word and we need to listen to Him and not  make up our own rules as we go along, changing those we do not like.

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