While exactly anatomy of evangelicalism is hard to pin down, the Church of England Theologian, J I Packer, identified six fundamental characteristics (The Evangelical Identity Problem 1978) :

  1. The supremacy of Holy Scripture
  2. The majesty of Jesus Christ
  3. The lordship of the Holy Spirit
  4. The necessity of conversion
  5. The priority of evangelism
  6. The importance of fellowship

Others have offered variations of this list. In  his book, Evangelical Truth, John Stott, has suggested that the list be adjusted in that the last three should be listed as elaboration of the first three: The authority of God through Scripture, The Majesty of Jesus Christ in and through the cross and the lordship of the Holy Spirit through his ministries.

In view upon the current inclusivity attacks, Evangelicals need to ensure that their Inclusivity is Biblical Inclusivity. We need to ensure that it is made clear that everyone has been invited because we all have failed God in numerous ways and can now be justified by Jesus and we are being asked to follow Him. We are called to be disciples and make disciples in turn.


Gal 1:3,4: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ,  who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father, 

"Sin is the desire for the autonomy of man;therefore, in the last resort, it is the denial of God and self-deification: it is getting rid of the Lord God, and the proclamation of self- sovereignty" Emil Brunner Dogmatics vol ii


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