There are many stories of individuals arriving at puberty and having an attraction towards their own sex rather than towards the opposite sex and in many cases they are distress themselves by this, particularly if they have been brought up in a religious environment.

Same Sex attraction has in the past  been considered as being abnormal. Certainly it is infrequent enough in society to consider it non- normal. It was previously considered as a mental illness but attitudes have since changed.  In recent times,however, more and more people have come to openly acknowledge that they are 'gay'. Amoungst them there are many highly respectable leaders, committed Christians and just ordinary well adjusted citizens.  Attitudes are changing towards such people, who are after all just following their natural desires and feelings. Heterosexuals are able to fulfill themselves by have a life-long partner, should we deny the fulfilment of inclusive people just because their nature is different? IS it OK to stand in condemnation of people who man be naturally different from yourself? Should we not behave towards all with love?

We need to listen to the life stories of real people and the distress they have experienced with the conflict with non-affirming beliefs and understand with love and sympathy for their natural inclinations.


************* BIBLICAL INCLUSION #1- An Answer ************************

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