Dear St Giles Family,

Many of you will be aware of the Living in Love and Faith (LLF) process that has been happening in the Church of England since 2017, exploring questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, particularly with the aim of helping the church engage better with those who identify as LGBT+. In December 2023, the House of Bishops commended a suite of Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF) which are specifically intended to be used for same-sex couples in stable, faithful relationships.

In May 2023, there was a question asked at our APCM about what my and St Giles' stance is on these prayers, and the response that I gave was that this is a topic that we will look at as a PCC during the coming year. Following that question, it was also requested that a space be created for the church to discuss this topic as well.

The final decision on whether the prayers are used in a parish is down to the minister, but at the same time the Church of England guidance strongly suggests that, if possible, PCCs along with the minister should discuss the prayers and together agree on a simple policy on whether and how to use them and that, in doing that, they are to respect the tradition and sensitivities of the local church.

When I think about how we explore teaching and practice as a church, the following practices come to mind that we see in Acts. In Acts 17:11 the Berean Jews listened to Paul's teaching and 'examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.' So we need to look at what Scripture teaches and obey it. In Acts 15:28, we see the apostles and elders saying that they made a particular decision because 'it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.' So, we also need to pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we listen to one another, and follow the leading of the Spirit. These two things go together and don't contradict each other.

Therefore, having listened to the question and responses at the APCM, following discussion by Exec and PCC, bearing in mind the guidance of the Church of England, and above all, aware of the teaching of Scripture, the PCC have agreed the following process for looking at and responding to these questions in Spring 2025:

Part 1
A time for prayerful church listening:

We will first hold some times for guided conversations, when we will explore current issues and challenges as well as Scripture. Following those conversations we will send out a questionnaire in which individuals will be able to capture their thoughts and comments in written form, and which may be completed anonymously. The aim of the conversations and questionnaire will be to listen to one another as a church, and for me and the PCC to hear the tradition and sensitivities of the church.

Part 2
A time for PCC discussion and policy shaping:

Though the final decision lies with me, our aim is that the PCC and I will together shape a policy with regard to the PLF that we believe is true to Scripture and seems good to the Holy Spirit and to us. We will be listening to the tradition and sensitivities of the church as we do this, through collated comments from the conversations and the questionnaire.

Part 3
A time for explanation and teaching, with further opportunities for feedback:

The agreed policy will be shared with the church. There will be explanation and teaching, both written and in sermons about the conclusions of the policy. There will also be opportunities for further questions and comments.

Dates and times for the conversations will be communicated soon, and our aim is that this process will be completed by the 2025 APCM.

It is my hope that as many of you as possible will feel able to contribute to this process. I am aware that it may be a very personal subject for some and a subject that some may have strong views on. My prayer is that we will be able to have honest discussions that are grounded in love and respect for one another, as we seek to listen to God together for the future of the church.

With every blessing,


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